
Sunday, June 30, 2019

WALT: Make a quality blog post about rugby league

This term in Totara class we have been doing rugby league every Wednesday with Jim and Kelly. Jim and Kelly taught us skills and how to play rugby league. In the first 4 weeks Jim and Kelly taught us ball skills. Then we went on to the rules of rugby league. Then we started playing rugby league. At first it was scary because I didn't  know how to play rugby league but Kelly and Jim were there to help us.  One thing the team could of done was try harder to get the ball, and not walk to the ball. One thing i could of done was stay in position and not by off side.
 Jim and Kelly gave the boys an opportunity to play in the reps. Some of the girls wanted to play but they weren't allowed.  I'm still not very good at rugby league that's why I hope Kelly and Jim teach us next term.     
Have you ever played rugby league before???

Monday, June 24, 2019

the outcast

WALT: understand why we are writing. explanation: this term in tortara we have been to understand why we are writing. this is a story about a zebra that is born in a herd of wild horses then she wakes up one day and the herd has gone. stripe has to find away how to survive. the story is not finished yet so i will finish it at post the rest. we could of made any kind of story we want like narratives,poems,letters and arguments. we had to make sure we had the right spelling,punctuation and that the story made sense. we had to understand why we are writing so we can see if our writing can entertain and persuade people with our story's. one thing i could of done was finish my writing. do you have any writing ideas i could write about? i hope you like my writing

Thursday, June 20, 2019

still life drawing

visual art: WALT use proportion and draw and accurate outline. explain: this term in tortara class we have been learning how to draw still life. this is how I did it 1st I looked up an image of a screwdriver. then i drew the proportions. Then I drew the outline of the screwdriver then i worked on the middle. My drawings aren't really good but i have to keep practising. If you have any easy drawing ideas or better ways to draw please comment down below. thanks for looking at my blog. one thing i could of done was made my drawing look more realistic. have you ever done still life before? comment down below if you have.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

my awesome quality blog post

WALT: to create a quality blog post.

INTRO: today i have created an amazing quality blog poster with my class in google drive using google drawings to create a poster describing the six main things on how to create a quality blog post. for a quality blog posts.

 WHAT: we made a quality blog poster i used google drawings to make it in.

 HOW: first i made a background then i added some description about how to make a quality blog post then i put in some catchy titles and some more desciption.

WHO: my freinds harmony and lexi helped me and so did whaea Donna the cyber smart teacher. we did it this morning when whaea Donna came to our school. i learned the six main things to think about and do when creating a blog post.

REFLECTION: today was an awesome day we learned lots of things about how to make a quality blog post.

QUESTION: how could i make my post more interesting and exiting comment down below if you have any ideas. bye i hope you enjoyed my post!