
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

my awesome quality blog post

WALT: to create a quality blog post.

INTRO: today i have created an amazing quality blog poster with my class in google drive using google drawings to create a poster describing the six main things on how to create a quality blog post. for a quality blog posts.

 WHAT: we made a quality blog poster i used google drawings to make it in.

 HOW: first i made a background then i added some description about how to make a quality blog post then i put in some catchy titles and some more desciption.

WHO: my freinds harmony and lexi helped me and so did whaea Donna the cyber smart teacher. we did it this morning when whaea Donna came to our school. i learned the six main things to think about and do when creating a blog post.

REFLECTION: today was an awesome day we learned lots of things about how to make a quality blog post.

QUESTION: how could i make my post more interesting and exiting comment down below if you have any ideas. bye i hope you enjoyed my post!

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