
Monday, June 24, 2019

the outcast

WALT: understand why we are writing. explanation: this term in tortara we have been to understand why we are writing. this is a story about a zebra that is born in a herd of wild horses then she wakes up one day and the herd has gone. stripe has to find away how to survive. the story is not finished yet so i will finish it at post the rest. we could of made any kind of story we want like narratives,poems,letters and arguments. we had to make sure we had the right spelling,punctuation and that the story made sense. we had to understand why we are writing so we can see if our writing can entertain and persuade people with our story's. one thing i could of done was finish my writing. do you have any writing ideas i could write about? i hope you like my writing


  1. Kia ora Lara,
    My name is Missy and I am a year 8 student who attends Paihia school. I read your blog post about ‘My Writing Purpose’ and I think that it is really cool that your class got to write a Narrative about whatever you want. Your piece of writing gave me some good ideas on what I would like to write about in the future. What was your favourite part about your story? Thanks for posting, Missy.

  2. Hi Kyra my name is Jade and I go to Paihia school and I am a year 6 student in Te Ngahere. I loved your story about animals it was very interesting and had lots of detail. I loved the way you used punctuation and put it in the right place. Your writing made me want to write a story like you to. Do you enjoy writing?
